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Brownie alert!

Foto van schrijver: Wij Steunen KeniaWij Steunen Kenia

Ik hoop dat iedereen zin heeft in brownies, want Valerie maakt de lekkerste! Onderstaand bericht van haar had ze op Instagram gezet. Voor de niet-Insta onder ons, hierbij haar oproep nog een keer, gewoon op de website! Zoek haar op via baked.byval en bestellen maar.

Ze hoopt heel veel keer 40 cent bijeen te sparen: iedere 40 cent is een schoolmaaltijd voor een van de leerlingen van de Mwerenischool.

baked.byval Do you want to support a good cause? ❤️ For the next three months I will donate all brownie profits to provide meals for the children in Mwereni Primary school in Kenia. Due to the current dryness in Kenya, the harvest did not offer enough food for the community of Mwereni. Also, the current pandemic is not helping this situation as business is slowing down and even less products are available. This unfortunately results in families earning less money and not being able to put food on the table. Consequently, kids are sent to go on the streets to make some money and support the family which stops them from going to school and getting an education. So this is why I want to support ‘Wij steunen Kenia’ which is a Dutch project that is collecting money to send food packages to the schools of Mwereni. By buying a box of brownie you can not only help a child get a full stomach again but also give back their education as school will be the place where the food is provided. So for the next 3 months we will do our best to make a change for these kids. Are you in? Order your box of delicious brownies now! 🍫❤️

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